Monday, February 13, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 14

When we got up this morning, it was overcast, windy and a lot cooler. We also had a few showers last night, but nothing significant.

We originally thought we would walk around the downtown this morning, but due to the weather, we decided to do the laundry instead.  After that was done, it was time for lunch. We were looking for a BBQ restaurant but the two in town were closed on Monday so we went to a Mexican restaurant instead.  We had a great meal of authentic Mexican food and ate enough to count for dinner tonight.

After lunch we visited the National Museum of the Pacific War.  It is actually an extensive complex of several facilities, The Admiral Nimitz Museum, the George H.W. Bush Gallery, The Pacific Combat Zone, The Japanese Garden of Peace, a Memorial Courtyard, and the Plaza of the Presidents.  Due to time constraints, we only had time to visit the Bush Gallery.

The Bush Gallery is a series of exhibits tracing the origins of the conflicts in Asia leading to WW II.  Each exhibit highlights a particular event or battle in the Pacific culminating in the atomic bombing of Japan and the subsequent surrender.  There are narrative displays, artifacts including military equipment, weapons, and uniforms, etc. as well as lots of multimedia  videos and narratives.  The displays were very well done and match in many ways the displays we have seen at the National WW II Museum in New Orleans.

We discovered Fredricksburg is a major tourist attraction in this part of Texas.  The heritage of the early German settlers in the town and surrounding areas has been emphasized with lots of tourist-type shops with a German touch as well as numerous restaurants offering German food and beer.  The museum is also a major draw due to the fact that Fredricksburg is the birthplace of Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, the legendary Admiral of the Pacific Fleet in WW II.  The ranch and burial site of Lyndon Johnson is also only 10 miles down the road.

After the museum we stopped at H.E.B, the regional store comparable to a super Walmart or Fred Meyer, for a few groceries.  

Tomorrow, we drive to Shevreport, LA, the next stop on our journey east.  The forecast is calling for rain enroute, but we'll see how it actually turns out.

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