Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 15

We had a lot of rain last night, including thunder and lightning.  This morning it was still showering, mostly cloudy and windy and cold.  The forecast for our trip east was for more rain most of the way.

We got on the road about 9:30 am and were pleasantly surprised as the rain outran the forecast and we had dry roads, but windy, all the way to our stop tonight in Gladewater (near Longview) in east Texas.  We are staying at the Shallow Creek RV Park, just off of I-20.  It is a nice park with pull-trough's and a good place for an overnight stop. 

The route was east to Austin then NE towards Longview over mostly back roads, but all in good condition.  Once again we experienced rural Texas and a number of small towns that have seen better days.  There is lots of "stuff" on many of the properties, things that are no longer used, but still there with nowhere else to go.  There didn't seem to be a lot of economic activity going on in many of the towns and there were a lot of open ranch land  with goats, cows  and a few horses  visible from the road.

Tomorrow we have another travel day to Mississippi then on to Alabama to vist high school friends. 

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