Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 29

The Phillies played the Baltimore Orioles today and won 7-5.  It was an exciting game that the Phillies won with a 4-run rally in the 8th inning.  Once again, the Phillies prospects outplayed the regulars who are for the most part off to a slow start.

The regular players who are guaranteed to make the team generally take a more relaxed approach to spring training and usually don't particularly put up impressive statistics in spring training.  Unfortunately for the Phillies the last few years this casual approach has carried over into the season with predictable results.  The rookies and minor league players who are close to the major league on the other hand are trying very hard to do well and impress the staff on their quest for the big leagues.  There appears to be a good crop of Phillies minor league  players who are just about ready to move up.  A casual approach by the major leaguers who will mostly make up the team this year will not serve them well this year because there a lot of talented players waiting to take their jobs.  We'll see how the regulars do as spring training progresses.  More to follow later.

We are changing RV sites tomorrow.  We originally made our reservation from March 1st to April 1st.  When the spring training schedule was released, we noticed it was starting a week early.  We were able to make a reservation for that week but not at the site we had reserved.

No baseball until Friday.  Tomorrow will be a set-up day at the new site and Thursday will be a sightseeing day.  The weather remains great.  The locals say we are experiencing May-like weather and today was a record high at 85 degrees with very low humidity.  We are not complaining.

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