Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 2

After sleeping in a little, we had a nice breakfast at the Anchorage Inn, down by the Sausalito waterfront.  It is a favorite breakfast/lunch place off the tourist trail and frequented primarily by locals and boat people. It was 11:00 am by the time we finished breakfast and headed into SF for Judy's appointments.  First it was the blood test, then an appointment with her Oncologist followed by her regular bone strengthening infusion.  The good news is that everything still looks fine with no change in her condition.

We made it out of town  by 4:30 pm as part of the daily rush hour exodus from the City. It wasn't too bad however as we only had to go to Sausalito where we met Kevin after he got home from work.  After a glass of wine, we drove over to Mill Valley for dinner at Joe's Taco Lounge.  It is another great local's sort of place with excellent Mexican food.

Rain is expected to start this evening and we are anticipating hooking up and traveling in the rain tomorrow.  It is only a four hour ride to our destination, Lemoore Naval Air Station, near Hanford, CA so hopefully it will not be too bad.

We are now truly on our way to Florida.

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