Sunday, February 19, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 19

We got on the road about 9:30 am after getting gas and our daily "truck stop mocha". There was no mocha in the mocha, but what the heck, it was a little shot of caffeine to get us moving.

It rained a little over night, mostly showers and nothing too heavy, but was still raining in the morning.  We hooked up in between showers and headed east, again on I-20E.

As we traveled through Atlanta, even on the bypass around the south end of town, traffic was heavy and it was raining pretty hard off-and-on.  As we headed east, then SE on I-16 through Macon, GA towards Savannah, GA the rain let up and as we approached Savannah the rain stopped and the skies cleared.

We arrived at the RV park on Tybee Island where we are staying for two nights about 5:30 pm after losing another hour as the time zone changed to EST. Tybee Island is at the end of the Savannah River on the Atlantic Coast about 15 miles east of Savannah.  The Island is a big league tourist destination for the region ,offering lots of ocean beach and associated recreational activities.  We didn't really know much about the area as we have never been here before and picked the spot because it was an RV park close to Savannah.

The RV park, River's End, is packed.  The sites are close together but we have a pull through site and plenty of maneuver room.  It was also very quiet last night.

After getting set up, we went out for dinner at a local seafood place and retired to the RV after a long and relatively difficult travel day.

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