Thursday, July 1, 2021

East Coast Family Reunion - Day 25 - July 1, 2021

Interesting day today.  We slept in a little and got on the road for home around 10:00 am.  We avoided the GPS recommendation to take a more direct route from Cape May to Gettysburg, PA our destination for today.  That route was on a number of rural roads and routing around Philadelphia through Wilmington, DL and Baltimore, MD.  We felt however we would have a better chance of getting through it all by going around to the north of Philadelphia a little. Never blindly trust the GPS.

The whole area around Philadelphia is heavily impacted with lots of traffic and congestion and there is no easy way to get through it all.  Sure enough, traffic was heavy, stop-and-go traffic, police activity and accidents didn’t help. To add to it all, it was raining, sometimes really hard.  We made it through it all however without incident and headed west on the PA Turnpike to Harrisburg, PA, then south to Gettysburg.  There was also lots of traffic on the turnpike and more heavy rain.  At one point the rain and visibility was so bad we had to pull over until the cell passed.

Anyway, we are here at a nice campground and are planning to experience the variety of activities at the Gettysburg National Battlefield  and related 4th of July activities.  We will be here until 7/5.  Lots of pictures to follow and the weather look good.

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