Thursday, July 15, 2021

East Coast Family Reunion - Day 39 - July 15, 2021

We did the Rockies today.  We left Golden, CO at 9:00 am this morning and headed west and uphill on I-70W.

Golden is around 5300 ft. and our top elevation for today was 11,600 ft at the Eisenhower Tunnel. We also had a 10,000 ft + summit at Vail.   Lots of up-and-down, curves and traffic. The bonus was the beautiful scenery.

We followed the Colorado River for awhile after we descended to around 5,000 ft and worked our way through and around canyons, bluffs and mesas to just past Grand Junction, Co to Frutia, CO our stop for the night.  We are staying at a very nice RV park.  It is very near the Utah border and adjacent to the Colorado National Monument, a preserved landscape of plateau-and canyon country embracing 32 square miles of rugged terrain.  We don’t have time to check it out, but here is more information about the monument:

Colorado National Monument

Getting closer to home.

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