Saturday, July 17, 2021

East Coast Family Reunion - Day 41 - July 17, 2021

Pretty much more of the same today.  We joined US50/US 6 West after another couple of 6,000 ft summits and headed across what is known as the “Loneliest Road in America”. We can’t disagree.  Before we left Utah, is was straight ahead roads with nothing in sight.  Into Nevada we started the up and own over the ridges that run north and south across Nevada. In between, more nothing.

We arrived in Ely, NV our stop for the night at a KOA where we stayed on a previous trip.  We didn’t remember that when we made the reservation but recognized the park when we arrived.

Fernley, NV tomorrow.  More nothing in between here and there.  Expecting some smoke from a fire south of Reno.

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