Monday, July 12, 2021

East Coast Family Reunion - Day 36 - July 12, 2021

We left St. Charles, MO around 9:30 am in the rain.  It had been raining most of the night.  As we headed west on I-70, it continued to rain off-and-on, sometimes heavy with low visibility.  It wasn’t thunderstorms or steady rain, but periods of rain in between cloudy skies and even a little  of blue now and then.  This weather pattern continued most of the way to Kansas City.   

We are staying in Lawrence, KS tonight.  The weather here is sunny and not to hot or humid.  It will be a series of overnight stops from here.   Heading west on I-70 until Nevada.  We are not pushing it and have scheduled reasonable travel days (200-300 miles per day).  The 500-mile power drives are long gone for us.

Looking forward to getting home.

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