Sunday, July 4, 2021

East Coast Family Reunion - Day 28 - July 4, 2021

It is the 4th of July.  The activity for today is a living history civil war battle reenactment at a farm just down the road. It is sponsored by the Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association.

The event included many civil war reenactors in period costumes. These are people with an interest in the history of the civil war who have become involved in participating in living history of the period by reliving the life style, acquiring costumes and uniforms and attending events like this one.

The event today was the 2nd day of a two-day event.  The reenactors we saw today were sleeping in civil war pup tents (some had cots) and cooked meals over a period wood stove.  The only bathrooms we saw were portable toilets.  Their living area encampments were open to the public and most groups had canopies where they gathered.  It did not seem there were many individuals/couples without some sort of group/family affiliation.  Also, lots of young people, not just an old guys thing .

There were also several booths selling things, mostly civil war related.  Likewise, there were several booth/tents demonstrating various civil war era technologies (sewing, quilting, laundry, etc.).  There were also lots of people dressed up in civil war uniforms, both Union and Confederate. We toured the various things to see and endured a long line at the food booth for a chili dog lunch.

The reenacted battle between the Union and Confederate reenactors began at 2:00 pm.  It was sort of a reenactment of the battle in the Wheatfield on Day 2 of the Battle of Gettysburg.  The Union won this one.  It was very impressive. There were cannons, cavalry and lots of people in uniform. Also, lots of spectators.  Someone said there were 6000 people here yesterday.  I am not sure there were that many people here today but it was very crowded.   The weather was clear and hot and a little humid and we drank lots of water.

We are glad we went.  It was an excellent example of living history and people enjoying their hobby of historical reenactment as well as a lot of spectators who came to enjoy the show.  I am sure there are some people who do not approve of civil war reenactments, probably thinking they glorify the Confederate cause that should be best forgotten.  History is a little more complicated than that and how it should be viewed retrospectively is another discussion.  Today was just a celebration of Americans, none whom I am sure want to reintroduce slavery or succeed from the Union.  It was just people celebrating their historical heritage, bringing their families to a special place, and having a good time.

No more no less.  We celebrate the 4th of July today and resume our trip home tomorrow.

Civil War Reenactment Pictures

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