Saturday, February 6, 2010

New Orleans/FL Trip (Day 6) - Vicksburg, MS

We slept-in today, had a leisurely breakfast, and set out to see the sights around Vicksburg. First, we found a car wash and hosed-off the VW a little. The weather was cold and cloudy, but no rain. The temperature was in the 40's and the wind was blowing. Spring has not yet come to the area.

We then went to the Vicksburg National Military Park, site of one of the most significant battlegrounds of the Civil War. After touring the visitors center and watching a 20 minute film about the siege of Vicksburg by Union forces under General U.S. Grant and the subsequent surrender of the Confederates defending the city and blockading the Mississippi River, we went on the 16 mile driving tour of the battleground.

The tour was interesting and informative. Highlights included the site of a tunnel Union forces dug to attack Confederate defenses around the city (unsuccessful), numerous monuments to the different units from both sides who fought in the battles, and the gathering of a Confederate Civil War reenactment group participating in a living history activity in the park this weekend.

We also visited the reconstructed U.S.S. Cairo, a Union ironclad gunboat sunk in the river by a Confederate mine in 1862. The ship was found and raised from the river in the early 1960's, has been partially restored, and is now on display in the park.

There is also an adjoining museum containing many of the artifacts from the ship. We also drove through the national cemetery in the park where we had an excellent view of the river from the heights above Vicksburg.

After the tour we had a late lunch/early dinner at Goldie's Trail Bar-B-Que. The restaurant is short on ambiance, but the ribs and BBQ pork were delicious. We then took a short driving tour through downtown Vicksburg, stopped at Krogers for a few groceries, and headed back to the RV Park early in the evening.

The plan for tomorrow is to tour a few places in Vicksburg, do laundry, and watch the Super Bowl. We will leave Monday morning for New Orleans and check in at the Good Sam camping site between 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM. Group Mardi Gras activities then begin on Tuesday.

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