Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Florid a Spring Training 2017 - Day 51

We did the laundry this morning.  Actually, Judy did the laundry and I helped fold things. Since we slept in this morning and took some time to get started with the laundry, it was early afternoon when we were done.

We then decided to drive up to Palm Harbor, about 7 miles away, for lunch/dinner at the Lucky Dill, a great Brooklyn style delicatessen.  We have eaten there before and it was worth a return trip.  We had another great meal as well as their complementary cheesecake dessert.

While still stressed out a little after doing the laundry, we decided to head over to the beach for a drink before heading back to the RV.  We went to Beso del Sol in Dunedin, the resort where we stayed a few years ago when we flew out for spring training.  We had Pina Coladas, at their waterfront bar and enjoyed the 75 degree, sunny day and waterfront bar ambience.

Baseball again tomorrow against the NY Yankees.  We are meeting Eileen and Linda for breakfast at Lenny's and will go to dinner with them after the game.

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