Thursday, March 2, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 32

We hung around the RV this morning.  I cooked some bacon on the grill outside, we had a leisurely breakfast and then relaxed a little before getting ready for the day.

After breakfast, we traveled over to Ybor City just north of downtown Tampa.  Ybor City is the site of the former center of the Cuban cigar industry in the US. It is now a tourist and entertainment location with a downtown state park, restored buildings from the cigar industry era and an interesting history museum.  There is also a strong Cuban-American heritage in the city that is reflected in many of the downtown restaurants and shops, including a number of cigar stores.  It is also home to our favorite Tampa area restaurant, the Columbia.  The Ybor City Columbia Restaurant  restaurant is the original one that opened in 1905. There are several others in the north Florida area.  We have eaten here and at several of their other restaurants in the past. The theme is Spanish-Cuban and the menu is extensive with a lot of interesting selections.  We had a glass of Sangria, Gazpacho soup, and shared two Tapas.  It was another great lunch.

After lunch we took the trolley downtown from Ybor City to the Florida Aquarium.  The aquarium is along the waterfront adjacent to the two Tampa ocean cruise terminals.  We had visited the aquarium on a previous visit and felt it was worth a return visit.  It was.  They have done an excellent job and it is truly a first class aquarium experience.

We then returned to Ybor City on the trolley then joined the Tampa rush hour experience on the freeways as we headed back to the RV park.  It is only about 13 miles from Ybor City to Oldsmar where we are staying, but it seemed to take forever with all the traffic.

After arriving back at the RV park it was dinner in the RV and went to bed early.  More baseball tomorrow.

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