Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 58

I got up early this morning to deal with the truck problem.  The local Toyota dealer couldn't get me in today so I looked around for a local auto repair shop.  I found a reptuable one , highly recommended, just down the road and they said they could get me in right away. So, I put more water in the cooling system and headed for the repair shop.  It was still running rough and the cooling system was overheating when I arrived there, only 2 1/2 miles away. I braced myself for bad news and sure enough it was.  It had blown a head gasket and while they were checking everything they discovered the differential was leaking and needed repair, and the brakes needed to be fixed.  All this was going to require ordering parts and cost a lot of money.  Well, we needed to get it fixed, so I told them to go ahead and fix everything.  The bad news (despite the cost) was that the parts would not be here before next Monday or Tuesday.  This was a problem since we were scheduled to leave here this Saturday.  So, our plans have changed.

The new plan is to leave here next Thursday.  We have extended our stay at the RV park and have a rental vehicle to get around.  The result of the schedule change is to eliminate the 4-day stay at New Orleans and the extra day at Destin, FL we had planned on the trip back.  Everything else on the itinerary remains the same, still arriving in Marin on April 18th.

Judy also had her nails done today and we both got haircuts.  After that and stopping for groceries, I cooked hamburgers on the grill for dinner. Oh, and after dinner, there appears to be some sort of power problem with the RV TV that has caused it stop working.  That will be tomorrow's issue, although we have mixed emotions about no TV. The endless stream of political news and programs we are not interested in watching will not be missed if I cannot fix the problem before we get home.

Baseball tomorrow against the NY Yankees.  Eileen and Linda are coming down for the game and we will be going out for dinner with them afterwards.

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