Sunday, March 12, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 42

The Phillies played the Boston Red Sox today.  It was a sell-out crowd at the ball park with a lot of Red Sox fans there.  The skies were cloudy with no wind with a threat of showers that never materialized.  One of the special events today was an appearance by a local Little League baseball team before the game started.  Each of the players stood with his Phillie's counterpart for the National Anthem and received a signed baseball.  As for the game, the Phillies started slowly but came back and won it in the 9th inning 6-5.

The highlight of the day was that my seat number was picked at random and I won a $100 gift certificate good at several restaurants in the area.  That's pretty good odds considering there are 10,000 seats in the stadium.  Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket.

No baseball tomorrow.  The forecast is for some rain and cooler temperatures.  Whatever the weather turns out to be it will be better than what the people next to us from Vermont and Boston were complaining about back home at the moment - snow and cold weather.

The plan for tomorrow is to get caught up on things around the RV and take it easy.

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