Thursday, March 9, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 39

After stopping at the local Walgreens to pick up a prescription, we traveled across town to watch the Phillies v. Toronto Blue Jays.  

We are about 6 miles from Spectrum Field (The Phillies complex) and it generally takes about 15 minutes to get to and from the park, depending on traffic.  One note about Florida traffic here in the Tampa Bay area:  The local drivers are aggressive and skilled in cutting you off and pulling in front of you at the numerous turn lanes and intersections. Oh, and turn signals remain an optional concept.  We have also noticed that speed limits appear to be just suggestions and have not seen a lot of enforcement on the surface streets, many of which are 6 lanes wide with numerous turn-outs.  I am relearning and emphasizing my defensive driving skills while we drive around town.

The Phillies did not play a good game today, losing 6-4 to the Toronto Blue Jays.  Spring training to-date has seen a lot of rookie/free agent players trrying to make the team.  We are now getting into the part of spring training whjere the regulars will be getting more playing time.

More baseball tomorrow, this time against the NY Yankees.

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