Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 57

We had a night baseball game with the Toronto Blue Jays today.  The Phillies lost 10-4 in a long game that wasn't over until almost 10:00 pm.

We drove over to the park about 5:00 pm and had dinner there (ball park food) .  The game started at 6:30 pm.  Sunset here right now is around 7:45 pm so it was daylight for quite awhile before the stadium lights came on.

The game started well for the Phillies, scoring 2 runs in the first inning, but their starting pitcher didn't last through the second inning.  We left at the end of the 8th inning with no hope for redemption in sight.

On the way back to the RV the truck started to act up. It was  running rough and overheating - not good.  We made it back to the RV park but we are afraid repairs are necessary.  We will deal with it tomorrow.

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