Saturday, March 2, 2019

Spring Training 2019 - Day 26

It was baseball again under perfect weather.  The Pittsburgh Pirates were in town  and the Phillies won 7-5.  It was a good game and the crowd was all abuzz about the Phillies signing Bryce Harper, the super star free agent.  The Phillies are now considered the favorite by some to win the World Series this year.  We'll see, as it is a long season and a lot can happen between now and then.

We grilled hamburgers out for dinner then went to an ad hoc concert a copule of sites down from us.  A guy who is camping here is apparently a semi-professional performer.  He set up a stage and played guitar music through a speaker system. He was actually pretty good.

No baseball for three days. Tomorrow is laundry day, finishing our site set-up and first-of-the month paperwork.

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