Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Spring Training 2019 - Day 52

We left Oldsmar about 10:45 am after getting gas and a truck stop mocha.  Our delayed departure was due to some rain that was moving through the area.  The bad news was that behind the rain it was very windy.  

The drive to St. Augustine on the east coast of Florida was only 200 miles but it turned  into a relatively hard drive.  It wasn't rush hour but we had to drive through downtown Tampa (never easy) and Orlando that had a lot of road construction going on in the area on.  All the traffic, construction and high winds made the drive seem longer than it actually was but we arrived at our RV park about 3:30 pm

Anyway, we are here for two nights.  The weather is overcast and cool but is expected to be warmer tomorrow.  Our plan is to do some sightseeing in St. Augustine.

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