Saturday, March 30, 2019

Spring Training 2019 - Day 54

We left the R.V. park about 10:30 am for the 200 mile trip up I-95, through/around  to Hilton Head, SC.  The trip was uneventful and we arrived at our destination, Hilton Head RV Resort and Marina, a very nice RV park on Hilton Head Island.

We had dinner at Anita Bowser's house on the island.  She is a long-time friend from the Air Force.   We were  stationed with Jim and Anita at Mt. Home, ID and at Offutt AFB, NE.  Jim died two years ago, but Anita has kept their second home at Hilton Head they built over twenty years ago.  We had a great meal at their beautiful home and caught up on old times.

We are going to explore the island a little tomorrow and go out to dinner with Anita tomorrow night.  Sunday, the plan is take a side trip to Savanah before leaving for Charleston, SC on Monday.

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