Friday, March 31, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 60

Well its a wrap!  The Phillies played their last spring training game today and tied the Tampa Bay Rays 7-7.   Again the Phililes starting pitcher wasn't too sharp, giving up 5 runs in the first four innings.  However, they fought back and tied the game at 7-7 and had a chance to win it in the 9th inning, but came up short.  Anyway, a long spring training is over and the team is off to Cincinatti to start the season on Monday.  And, perhaps for the only time this year, they are presently tied for first place.

After returning to the RV, I cooked steaks on the grill for dinner after relaxing for awhile with a glass of wine outside in the excellent Florida spring weather.

It has been another enjoyable experience down here and we look forward to coming back next year, if we can.  As previously mentioned, our plan was to leave here tomorrow and head home with a few stops along the way.  Now, with the delay in getting our towed vehicle repaired we will not be leaving here until next Thursday, 4/6.  We will still be home as planned on 4/20 (weather permitting).  We have cut out one of our 2-day stop in Destin, FL and the 4-day stop in New Orleans.  It will now be pretty much a straight shot home, although we still have 2-day stops planned in Mobile, AL, Lafayette, LA and Austin, TX.

Tomorrow, we will check out a local community parade and festival in Oldsmar and perhaps visit the large local indoor flea market just down the road. The rest of our time here is flexible, although none of our activities will involve baseball.  We attended 19 spring training games and that should last us for awhile.  We may spend another day at the beach.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 59

We had good news/bad news at the baseball game today.  The Phillies played what will be their opening day roster against mostly regular NY Yankees.  The good news was that it was a perfect day for baseball - temperature in the low 80's, sunny, little humidity and no wind.  The bad news was the Phillies lost 14-1.  The starting pitcher didn't make it out of the 1st inning with the Yankees scoring 9 runs before the Phillies even came to bat.  It was all downhill from there with a host of minor league pitchers who were not scheduled to pitch today giving up another 5 runs on the way to a lopsided defeat.  With only one more spring training game to go, it was not a great way to get ready for opening day next Monday.

My sister Eileen and two of her friends (all Yankee fans) joined us for the game.  They were happy with the outcome.  We all went out to dinner at Olive Garden after the game and had an excellent meal.

The Phillies play the Tampa Bay Rays tomorrow, then get on a chartered plane for Cincinnati right after the game.  The first game of a long (162 game) season begins on Monday and we will see what happens.  They won 71 games last year and, on paper, they appear to be an improved team this year.  My observations in spring training are that their starting pitchers were not overly impressive, the relief pitchers were pretty good, hitting looks marginally better and defense about average.  As the eternal optimist and loyal fan, I am cautiously predicting 75 wins this year, however I would not run out and place any bets that they will do so.  They may even do better if everything comes together.  If not, there are a lot of good looking young players in the minors almost ready to move up.  The future looks bright but the team is not there yet.

There aren't many other baseball pictures that haven't already been taken this spring, but here a few more as things wind down.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 58

I got up early this morning to deal with the truck problem.  The local Toyota dealer couldn't get me in today so I looked around for a local auto repair shop.  I found a reptuable one , highly recommended, just down the road and they said they could get me in right away. So, I put more water in the cooling system and headed for the repair shop.  It was still running rough and the cooling system was overheating when I arrived there, only 2 1/2 miles away. I braced myself for bad news and sure enough it was.  It had blown a head gasket and while they were checking everything they discovered the differential was leaking and needed repair, and the brakes needed to be fixed.  All this was going to require ordering parts and cost a lot of money.  Well, we needed to get it fixed, so I told them to go ahead and fix everything.  The bad news (despite the cost) was that the parts would not be here before next Monday or Tuesday.  This was a problem since we were scheduled to leave here this Saturday.  So, our plans have changed.

The new plan is to leave here next Thursday.  We have extended our stay at the RV park and have a rental vehicle to get around.  The result of the schedule change is to eliminate the 4-day stay at New Orleans and the extra day at Destin, FL we had planned on the trip back.  Everything else on the itinerary remains the same, still arriving in Marin on April 18th.

Judy also had her nails done today and we both got haircuts.  After that and stopping for groceries, I cooked hamburgers on the grill for dinner. Oh, and after dinner, there appears to be some sort of power problem with the RV TV that has caused it stop working.  That will be tomorrow's issue, although we have mixed emotions about no TV. The endless stream of political news and programs we are not interested in watching will not be missed if I cannot fix the problem before we get home.

Baseball tomorrow against the NY Yankees.  Eileen and Linda are coming down for the game and we will be going out for dinner with them afterwards.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 57

We had a night baseball game with the Toronto Blue Jays today.  The Phillies lost 10-4 in a long game that wasn't over until almost 10:00 pm.

We drove over to the park about 5:00 pm and had dinner there (ball park food) .  The game started at 6:30 pm.  Sunset here right now is around 7:45 pm so it was daylight for quite awhile before the stadium lights came on.

The game started well for the Phillies, scoring 2 runs in the first inning, but their starting pitcher didn't last through the second inning.  We left at the end of the 8th inning with no hope for redemption in sight.

On the way back to the RV the truck started to act up. It was  running rough and overheating - not good.  We made it back to the RV park but we are afraid repairs are necessary.  We will deal with it tomorrow.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 56

Not much to report today.  We slept in had a leisurely breakfast and eventually got around to doing the laundry.  I did a few things around the RV starting to get it ready for our departure.

We had lunch in the RV and relaxed the rest of the afternoon.  I grilled shrimp for dinner and it is early to bed tonight.

The baseball game against the Toronto Blue Jays tomorrow  evening starts at 6:35 pm.   This is the only night home game this year.  Wednesday will be a busy day getting ready to go as we have games on Thursday and Friday.

The weather remains great as it warms up towards the Florida summer.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 56

The Phillies played the Pittsburgh Pirates today and won 6-3.  It was a perfect day for baseball - low 80s, sunny and no wind.

The Phillies again had a local little league team take the field for the National Anthem and stand beside Phillies players who play the same positions as the Little Leaguers.  Each Little League player also takes a baseball and pen out with them to the field and the players autograph the ball for them after the National Anthem. They have had other Little League players at several other games this year under their Baseball Buddies program.  It is a nice touch and a big thrill for the kids. 

Today was also Baseball Beer Bucket Day (my description) at the park.  The first 2,000 fans each received a handsome plastic beer bucket with attractive pictures of a baseball and associated themes around the sides of the bucket.  The bucket, I believe, is designed to hold a six-pack of beer (or soda) surrounded by ice to keep it cold.  They probably also could be used as helmets for protection against foul balls, but I didn't see anyone doing that. They hand these out every year and we now have at least 6 of them we can use when the appropriate occasion arises.  You never know and it is good to be prepared.

The game today was the last chance for some of the non-roster players to make the 2017 season opening day team.  The team must reduce their active rosters to 25 players before the season starts and the Phillies are planning to do so tomorrow.  There are three more home games left - Tuesday night, Thursday and Friday.  Saturday, when we leave, will be here before we know it so it will be a busy week between baseball and trip preparations.

After the game we headed over to Safety Harbor.  The plan was to have dinner at a pizza place where we have eaten in the past.  Alas, it was closed today.  We then decided to check out the Safety Harbor Resort and Spa along the waterfront.  This is a large up-scale hotel and spa featuring natural hot springs that apparently were discovered in 1539 by Hernando de Soto.  Over the years they became a destination for "taking the waters" and Saftey Harbor became known as "The Health Giving City".  The current resort and spa has been operating since 1945 and is still a major area destination.

We had a drink in the bar, walked around the resort and were impressed by the class and attractiveness of the operation.  I'm sure that rooms are expensive there, but if cost were not an issue it would be great place to stay.

Plan B for pizza tonight was take out from the Westshore Pizza restaurant just down the road from the RV park.

Since there is no baseball tomorrow we will sleep in and take the day from there.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 55

We traveled over to Honeymoon Island State Park then took the ferry over to Caladesi Island this morning, a 15 minute boat ride on a pontoon boat that holds about 50 people. We caught the first boat of they day at 10:00 am and got our return ticket for 2:30 pm.  Your stay on the island is generally limited to four and a half hours.  If you stay longer, you do not have a guaranteed return time and must return on a space-available basis.  The boats run every half hour and everyone who goes over on the ferry must be off the island by the time the last boat leaves at 7:00 pm.

There is also a marina on the island run by the state park.  There were two yacht clubs there today who were having weekend outings and the marina was filled.  You can also sail around the island and beach your boat just offshore and either fish, swim or relax on the beach.

We rented beach chairs and an umbrella and just relaxed on the beach and got our feet wet. I took a 2-mile beach hike looking for shells we might not already have.  It wasn't a particular good shell day although the beach is noted for its wide selection and quantity of shells. There were also a lot of people on the beach today looking for shells so the pickings for quality shells was slim.  We did see several species of shore birds and two tortoises although we missed seeing any rattlesnakes which are common on the island.  The weather was almost perfect, sunny with a few scattered clouds and light winds.  It was  a great beach day.

After returning from the island on our scheduled return trip, we stopped at Frenchy's  just over the causeway, again, for lunch/dinner. After another great meal we travelled down to Dunedin for an ice cream cone for dessert before returning to the RV.

Back to baseball tomorrow.  We are about through with sightseeing for this trip. There are four games left and we leave next Saturday.  Our free time this week will be spent wrapping things up and getting ready to break camp and head home.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 54

We headed down to Largo today to visit some places we have been before and wanted to see again.

The first stop was the Heritage Village, a restored living history exhibit of Florida's past.  It is a great collection of period buildings representing Florida History, especially from the early 19th century to the 1940s.  The village is maintained by Pinellas County that has a terrffic parks and recreation program. 

One place we especially wanted to revisit was the house where the quilters, weavers and basket makers work and display their creations.  The quilters were working today and we saw some of their quilts as well some of the others created by members of their quilting guild, the Largo Crackers Quilting Guild.  We visited again with a male quilter who has been quilting for over 30 years and has completed over 300 hand-sewn quilts, many he has donated to the local Fischer House that supports military families as their veteran sons/daughters/spouses undergo service-related medial treatments.

We also saw some really impressive weaving and basket making exhibits and works of art, all made by local artists who share the house at the Heritage Village with the quilters 

 After a short visit to the co-located Botanical Garden, we then headed down the street to visit the George C. McGough Nature Park.  It is a Largo city park that serves as a raptor rehabilitation center as well as a local environmental educational resource, and nature center.  This time we saw a bald eagle, several owls, and several types of hawks, all undergoing rehab or there permanently because previous injuries rendered them unable to live in the wild. There is also a turtle pond with five different species of turtles in the park. We walked out to the water, a branch of Clearwater Bay, seeing some small lizards, birds and fish.
Botanical Garden

Our next stop was lunch/dinner at the Columbia Restaurant at Sand Key, just over the causeway and up the coast just south of Clearwater Beach,  Once again, we had a great meal at a favorite restaurant.

On the way back to the RV we stopped in Safety Harbor for ice cream for desert - a great way to end a busy but very enjoyable day.

We will do a beach day tomorrow, taking the ferry over to Caladesi Island from Honeymoon Island State Park.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 53

The Phillies played the Minnesota Twins today and lost 4-2.  The Phillies started what is most likely ther opening day lineup.  They started strong, scoring two runs in the first inning then failed to score any more runs, leaving players on base and making several poor defensive plays and base running gaffs.  Their pitcher did O.K. for three innings then gave up four runs by a home run and some poor defensive play.  By the 5th inning, that was it for scoring for the game.  There are not too many spring training games left and they still have a lot of work to do if they are going to be competitive when the season starts.

The weather today was almost perfect.  The temperature was in the low 80's with a little breeze.  Some scattered thundershowers came through later in the day but missed us on the way by.

We ate dinner in the RV tonight.  I cooked steaks on the grill and we tried some early season Florida corn on the cob.  The corn was not very good but the rib eye steaks were fine.  We also made some sangria that also turned out O.K.

No baseball for two days.  The plan for tomorrow is to visit a nature preserve in Largo (just south of here) then head over to the beach for dinner at the Columbia Restaurant at Sand Key.  The plan for Saturday is to take the ferry over to Caladesi Island for a little beach time.

We have 4 more games to go before we leave for home on April 1st.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 52

We met Eileen and Linda at Lenny's restaurant for breakfast before the game with the NY Yankees today.  It was crowded with Phillies fans as well as a fair number of Yankee fans. Once again, we had a great breakfast.  It was way too much food for a normal, everyday breakfast, but O.K. for an occasional vacation breakfast featuring a large menu, typical Philadelphia-type food and generous portions that you really cannot finish without taking the leftovers home in a box.

The game with the Yankees didn't go particularly well as the Phillies lost 7-3 facing the Yankee's best pitcher who pitched 6 scoreless innings.  Eileen and Linda were happy however as their Yankees team easily won against what appeared to be an over-matched Phillies team.  There were a number of non-roster players in the Phillies line up trying to make the team as spring training winds down.  The Phillies Pitcher however, was one of their starters who pitched fairly well but gave up two long homers that scored 5 runs.

After the game we all went to dinner at the Rumba Island Grill Restaurant.  This is the same restaurant where we had lunch the other day so we went back and used the remainder of the gift certificate we won at the ball park last week.  It was another excellent meal to end a busy day, that included a mega breakfast, a Phillies loss, and a great visit with Eileen and Linda.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Florid a Spring Training 2017 - Day 51

We did the laundry this morning.  Actually, Judy did the laundry and I helped fold things. Since we slept in this morning and took some time to get started with the laundry, it was early afternoon when we were done.

We then decided to drive up to Palm Harbor, about 7 miles away, for lunch/dinner at the Lucky Dill, a great Brooklyn style delicatessen.  We have eaten there before and it was worth a return trip.  We had another great meal as well as their complementary cheesecake dessert.

While still stressed out a little after doing the laundry, we decided to head over to the beach for a drink before heading back to the RV.  We went to Beso del Sol in Dunedin, the resort where we stayed a few years ago when we flew out for spring training.  We had Pina Coladas, at their waterfront bar and enjoyed the 75 degree, sunny day and waterfront bar ambience.

Baseball again tomorrow against the NY Yankees.  We are meeting Eileen and Linda for breakfast at Lenny's and will go to dinner with them after the game.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 50

We got up this morning with no specific plans for the day - the joys of retirement/vacation.

After breakfast and contemplation of to do today, we ran a few errands then decided to check out one of the restaurants where the gift certificate we won at the ballpark would be honored.  We ended up at the Rumba Island Bar and Grill not too far away from the RV Park.  The restaurant has a Caribbean theme although they have a wide variety of other things including all-day 2-for-1 sangria drinks.  We had a great lunch and we are planning to go back with Eileen and Linda after the game next Thursday

After lunch we decided to take a ride over to the nearby town of Safety Harbor, a small town on the water at the top of Tampa Bay.  We walked around the marina area for awhile then had ice cream for dessert at a Cold Stone Creamery ice cream shop in town.

On the way back to the RV park we stopped at a local produce stand and got a few things as well as some fresh squeezed orange juice at another local shop next door.

We had a light dinner tonight in the RV and we might watch another movie tonight.  Again, tomorrow will be a low-key day, unless you call "doing the laundry" a major activity.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 49

We just stayed around the RV today.  sleeping in, cooking bacon outside this morning and doing some paperwork.  Next thing, it was time for appetizers and cocktails before dinner. We had nachos and tequila, then dinner in the RV.

Another "off" day tomorrow with activities TBD.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 48

The Phillies played the Pittsburg Pirates today and didn't do very well, losing 13-8.  It was a sloppy game for the Phillies, with mental lapses on defense, poor pitching and very little timely hitting.  At this stage of spring training this is not what you want to see.  Hopefully, all the bad karma was packed into this game and the next game will be better.

We have three days off now.  The Phillies are playing away tomorrow, have Monday off, and play an away game again on Tuesday.  Our activities the next three days are still TBD but we have a few more things we want to do here before leaving at the end of the month.  The weather is warming up again.  It was 76 today, but still a little chilly in our section at the ballpark with a slight breeze out of the NW.

We will have carry-out pizza for dinner tonight and relax around the RV.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 47

It is St. Patrick's Day - a big deal here.  The Phillies traditionally play the Toronto Blue Jays at home each year with lots of fanfare.  The Phillies wear green jerseys and the Blue Jays wear green hats with their blue and gray road uniforms.  Most of the fans wear at least one piece of green team garb and some are in elaborate outfits ranging from St. Patrick to leprechauns and everything in between.  It is also usually the largest crowd in spring training and today was no exception as the attendance was 11,300, the largest in spring training since the new field opened in 2004.

The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) stationed at nearby McDill AFB also traditionally has their command parachute team present the American Flag prior to the St. Patrick's Day game.  Today, three USSOCOM team members parachuted into the stadium, landing just behind second base to a round of applause and cheers from the crowd.  There was also another Little League "buddy" team that was on the field for the national anthems of both Canada and the United States.  The USSOCOM color guard also presented the colors for the national anthem. 

Alas, the Phillies lost to the Blue Jays 7-5 but everyone seemed to have a good time. My guess is that the stadium may also have set a record in beer sales despite the weather being relatively cool at 73 degrees with a slight breeze.

After the game, we drove over to Dunedin for their annual St. Patrick's Day street party sponsored by the local Irish bar, Flannigan's Irish Pub.  The street party is centered at the city park conveniently located adjacent to Flannigans.  There is continuous Irish themed entertainment in progress throughout the day and evening as well as food vendors featuring Irish style food, beer trucks, booths selling various things and shops and restaurants in the area along the street open for business.  The area is fenced off and alcohol is only allowed within the venue area.

We walked around awhile and listened to and watched the entertainment going on.  At that point in the late afternoon the crowd was mostly family oriented with lots of children and young people (and lots of old people) .We saw a group of young step dancing girls and listened to a singer singing Irish folk songs and ballads.  After awhile, we had dinner at one of our favorite Dunedin restaurants outside the street party venue area.  As we walked back through the street party area after dinner about 7:30 pm the evening crowd of mostly young adults was gathering. It looked it was going to be a lively evening with perhaps a headache or two for some in the morning.  However, as wizened senior citizens. we took a more sensible approach to celebrating St. Patrick's day and drove back to the RV park.

More baseball tomorrow.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 46

Another quiet day today.  No baseball and it was still cool, although the wind has subsided somewhat.  We decided to stay in again, which I really needed to do so I could finish up our taxes.  I didn't have everything I needed to do them before we left California, and it worked out to do them now while we had the time.

After they were done, we went out to dinner to celebrate not having to pay any more than our "fair share".  After dinner, we picked up a few groceries on the way back to the RV park.

There is another baseball game tomorrow and it is also St. Patrick's Day.  The Phillies are playing the Toronto Blue Jays and a big crowd is expected.  After the game we are going over to Dunedin for dinner and the St. Patrick's Day street party celebration there.  The weather is supposed to be warmer tomorrow with the winds easing up.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 45

Again, not too much to report.  It was clear skies, but still cool and windy, so we decided to "stay home" again today.  I worked on the taxes and struggled with a computer problem that took a while to figure out and fix.

More cool weather tomorrow and no game.  Right now, the plan is to sleep in again and take it easy with no big sightseeing trips planned.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 44

Another cold front came through last night, this time bringing a fair amount of rain and wind. The rain had stopped when we got up this morning but is was much colder and windy.

By game time with the Atlanta Braves, the skies were partly cloudy and the temperature was only 63 degrees.  Along with the lower temperatures the wind was gusting from 10-20 mph out of the NW.  That combination makes for an uncomfortable day at the ball park unless you dress appropriately, which we did.  We wore sweatshirts and coats and had hot drinks instead of cold beverages today.  After an opening ceremony featuring a Little League team whose members stood with their Phillies' counterparts for the National Anthem, the game got underway.  Happily, the Phillies won the game. shutting out the Braves 9-0.  It was their first shutout of the Spring Training season.

Eileen, Linda, Eileen's daughter Ali, her husband Dan and their two daughters also attended the game.  They all held up pretty well under the challenging weather conditions and we went over to Frenchy's Rockaway Grill in Clearwater Beach after the game for dinner and to celebrate Eileens birthday.
The forecast for tomorrow is more partly cloudy skies, low temperatures and wind again. Our next game is Friday so the plan tomorrow is to work in the RV and try and finish up our tax return that we couldn't complete before we left on the trip.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 43

Today was a stay-at-home day.  We slept in, did the laundry, then after lunch Judy had her nails done.  I picked up a few things at the grocery store and worked around the RV a little.

There is a weather change coming.  It has started raining this afternoon and it is expected to continue through the evening.  Tomorrow should be clear but much cooler for the next three days.

We will meet Eileen and Linda along with Eileen's daughter, Ali, her husband Dan and their two girls at the game tomorrow.  Ali and Dan are visiting from Pennsylvania and will be here for a few days.   After the game, the plan is to over to Frenchy's on the beach for dinner and the sunset over the gulf.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 42

The Phillies played the Boston Red Sox today.  It was a sell-out crowd at the ball park with a lot of Red Sox fans there.  The skies were cloudy with no wind with a threat of showers that never materialized.  One of the special events today was an appearance by a local Little League baseball team before the game started.  Each of the players stood with his Phillie's counterpart for the National Anthem and received a signed baseball.  As for the game, the Phillies started slowly but came back and won it in the 9th inning 6-5.

The highlight of the day was that my seat number was picked at random and I won a $100 gift certificate good at several restaurants in the area.  That's pretty good odds considering there are 10,000 seats in the stadium.  Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket.

No baseball tomorrow.  The forecast is for some rain and cooler temperatures.  Whatever the weather turns out to be it will be better than what the people next to us from Vermont and Boston were complaining about back home at the moment - snow and cold weather.

The plan for tomorrow is to get caught up on things around the RV and take it easy.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 41

We had long and busy day today.  We took a nature walk this morning on Honeymoon Island, ate lunch at Frenchy's Outpost, and went on a sunset cruise from Clearwater Beach.

We have done the nature walk at Honeymoon State Park several times in the past and wanted to do it again.  It was  a nice day for a hike as well as a good opportunity for weekend beach time (sunny, 80 degrees and a slight breeze).  The traffic over the causeway to Honeymoon Island was heavy and the beaches along the causeway and in the park were packed.  Spring break visitors are also starting to kick-in with a noticeable increase in young visitors escaping the rigors and tensions of present-day college life with the more traditional spring break activities such as excessive beer drinking, displaying the latest in minimalist beach attire, and engaging in young person mating rituals.

The nature trail is slightly inland from the park beaches and is home to a variety of wildlife including ospreys, horned owls, gopher tortoises, eastern diamond back rattlesnakes and the highlight, an active and protected American Bald Eagle nesting site.  The tour today was planned to be a guided hike lead by a park volunteer, but no volunteer showed up.  So on our own, we took an enjoyable one mile hike on a partly shaded trail.  We saw just about all the wildlife in the area, including a big rattlesnake, an elusive gopher tortoise, lots of ospreys and two adult bald eagles.  We didn't see the female Great Horned Owl who another hiker on the trail said was nesting with two chicks in a secluded nesting site.

After the hike, we ate lunch at Frenchy's Outpost, another Frenchy's restaurant at the end of the causeway in Dunedin.  It was another great meal at a very popular area restaurant.

We then drove over to Clearwater Beach for our scheduled sunset cruise on a catamaran sail boat.  It took awhile to get over to Clearwater Beach although it was only 5 miles away. You have to travel over a causeway with a two lane roundabout at the end funneling traffic to and from the causeway as well as north and south traffic along the barrier islands.  We had enough time however and had a drink at a dockside restaurant before we boarded the boat for the cruise along with about 40 other people.  The boat was motor powered until we went under the bridge and into the Gulf of Mexico.  The crew then unfurled the sails and we headed out to sea for about an hour.  We then turned around and watched the sunset as we returned.  It was a very smooth ride and an enjoyable end to a busy day.

More baseball tomorrow with the Boston Red Sox coming to town.  

Friday, March 10, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 40

The Phillies played the New York Yankees today and were shut out 5 to 0.  The Phillies couldn't seem to get anything going - they left 17 runners on base and their pitching was shaky.  The good news is that it is still only spring training, the games don't count and there are 3 weeks to go before the season starts.  There are still plenty of games to play and many of the rookies/free agents are playing a lot as the team sorts out who will be on the final roster.  It is too early to make a prediction regarding how the team will do this year and we'll see how everything looks as the regular payers and pitchers finish up spring training.

Dinner was in the RV tonight (actually great take-out pizza.)  No baseball tomorrow. The plan is to take a guided late morning nature walk on Honeymoon Island State Park and a sunset cruise on a catamaran from Clearwater Beach.  Baseball again on Sunday.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 39

After stopping at the local Walgreens to pick up a prescription, we traveled across town to watch the Phillies v. Toronto Blue Jays.  

We are about 6 miles from Spectrum Field (The Phillies complex) and it generally takes about 15 minutes to get to and from the park, depending on traffic.  One note about Florida traffic here in the Tampa Bay area:  The local drivers are aggressive and skilled in cutting you off and pulling in front of you at the numerous turn lanes and intersections. Oh, and turn signals remain an optional concept.  We have also noticed that speed limits appear to be just suggestions and have not seen a lot of enforcement on the surface streets, many of which are 6 lanes wide with numerous turn-outs.  I am relearning and emphasizing my defensive driving skills while we drive around town.

The Phillies did not play a good game today, losing 6-4 to the Toronto Blue Jays.  Spring training to-date has seen a lot of rookie/free agent players trrying to make the team.  We are now getting into the part of spring training whjere the regulars will be getting more playing time.

More baseball tomorrow, this time against the NY Yankees.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 38

We traveled down to Pinellas Park, a community/city that is part of the St. Petersburg metroplex, to visit a nature park we had read about.  The park is called Sawgrass Lake, a Pinellas County park that is also home to an environmental education center.

Sawgrass Lake was originally a marsh land subject to tidal and watershed fluctuations. Over the years due to several agricultural enterprises, and water diversions, it is now a stable lake that has been saved as a nature preserve and environmental education resource.

The park is very nice with several trails along raised boarded walkways.  We walked out to an observation deck overlooking the lake.  We saw several different species of birds and a number of baby alligators. "Momma Gator" was nearby keeping her eye on the flock, but was avoiding the paparazzi while we were there, hiding under the observation deck.  It was a pleasant visit and an enjoyable walk in the "woods".

Our next stop was a trip over to the nearby Gulf Coast to visit another beach village, John's Pass, that is adjacent to a larger beach town, Madeira Beach.  We had lunch at a boardwalk seafood restaurant, The Friendly Fisherman Seafood Restaurant.  We had another great lunch, despite picking a restaurant we knew nothing about.

After lunch, we walked along the waterfront boardwalk.  The area seems to be a great place to come if you want to participate in water sport adventures, including dolphin/sunset cruises, kayak/jet ski rentals, and fishing charters.  Businesses along the boardwalk were typical Florida beach town staples - souvenir shops, beach attire, restaurant and tiki-style bars.

Our original plan was to then go over an visit another nature park and the Florida Heritage Village but we overplanned and ran out of time to do those two things today.  Plan B was to go up to Clearwater Beach and see if we could get on the sunset cruise on the catamaran sailboat, one of our goals for this year's trip.  Alas, they were full for today but we made a reservation for Saturday.  While there we did see a couple of fishing charter boats come in and unload their catches - very impressive.

We drove back to the RV through Tampa Bay rush hour traffic - also very impressive. Dinner was not needed again due to a relatively late and substantial lunch.  Back to baseball again for the next two days.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 37

After a quick stop at the local Camping World this morning  we traveled up the road to Tarpon Springs, the Greek heritage sponge diving town that is now a major tourist destination, especially along the sponge dock area. Despite lots of tourist shops and excellent Greek restaurants, the docks are still a working port for the harvesting of sponges, that are apparently abundantly available for harvesting by divers not too far off shore.  The sponge diving enterprise was started in 1905 by Greek immigrants familiar with sponge diving in the Greek Islands.  Over the years, the area attracted more Greek immigrants and Tarpon Springs became a thriving Greek community that still exists today.

We have been here several times in the past and came back primarily to have lunch at our favorite Greek restaurant on the harbor there.  Once again, we had a great meal.  We shared hummus and pita for an appetizer, avgolemono soup, a Greek salad and a gyro sandwich.  I even had an imported Greek beer (Pils) which was really pretty good.

After lunch and shopping a little, we headed down the road to Dunedin for ice cream at our favorite local ice cream shop, Strachen's.  Again, after shopping a little, we had a Key Lime Margarita at Bon Appetit, the restaurant at the end of the wharf on the bay.

We got back to the RV around 5:00 pm.  Dinner did not sound interesting tonight after all the food we ate today.  More sightseeing tomorrow.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 36

Not much to report today.  We slept in, had a leisurely breakfast, did the laundry, got some groceries and had a late lunch at Chick-Fil-A.  Oh, and Judy took a nap while I did some first-of-the month paperwork.  Dinner was pizza in the RV and early to bed after a another fast-paced retiree vacation day in the RV park.

Tomorrow may be more exciting with plans TBD.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 35

Baseball today and dinner at Frenchy's Rockway Grill in Clearwater Beach.
  It  was still windy but the wind direction had shifted so the wind was now coming from the east. It is mostly sheltered where we sit at the ball park except during a north wind. With the warm temperatures (76 degrees) and wind from the east we had shirt sleeve weather again.

It was a good game with the Phillies staging another comeback win, beating the Detroit Tigers 8-5.  The Phillies also played a "split squad" away game, sending players to Sarasota to play the Baltimore Orioles, which they lost 3-2.

It was also "Alumni Day" - the Phillies invited former players and coaches, most of whom live nearby or who are in spring training with the team, to attend the game, sign autographs and be recognized prior to the game.  This year's attendees did not include many of the former Phillies stars but nevertheless it was good to see some of the "old timers".

After the game we drove over to Clearwater Beach for dinner at Frenchy's Rockway Grill, a great, always busy restaurant, right on the beach. After moving slowly through heavy traffic over the causeway to Clearwater Beach and a short wait, we had an excellent meal - "She Crab" soup, a Cajun spiced grouper sandwich for me and fish tacos for Judy.

Frenchy's Rockway Grill

After dinner, we came back to the RV after another busy day.  No baseball for the next three days as the World Baseball Classic begins.  Throughout baseball, many of the players in spring training will be playing for their national teams during the tournament - at least while their teams are still in contention.  Consequently, other players not selected for national teams will get a chance to play as spring training continues and tournament players return.

We are planning a "day off" for most of tomorrow, getting caught-up on "housekeeping" ("RV-keeping"?) things with maybe a trip to Tarpon Springs for a Greek Food lunch/dinner later in the day.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 34

Another baseball game today -  the Phillies played the Atlanta Braves.  Weather-wise it was another clear but windy day with temperatures in the mid 70s'.  It was a good game.  The Phillies started slowly but scored 6 runs in the 7th inning and won the game 7-5.

After the game we came back to the RV for dinner and early to bed. Tomorrow is another baseball game, this one against Detroit.  Right now the forecast calls for more gusty winds and clear skies, then warming next week.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 33

A long and busy day.  Baseball and a trip to Dundedin.

A dry cold front came through last night with a few clouds, lower temperatures and 10-20 mph winds.  When we got up the sky was clear and the air was cool - 59 degrees and windy.  At the ballpark, in the upper level where we sit it gets pretty cool when the winds are out of the north as they were today.  So, it was time for extra layers of clothing even through the temperature was in the low-mid 70s'.  The Phillies lost 4-3 in a close game with some of the rookies again playing well.

After the game we had a few errands to run.  I had to get my sunglasses fixed at Costco, Judy got her special shampoo and conditioner at Whole Foods, and we bought some See's candy at Dillard's department store in the mall (the only place here to buy See's candy). While at the mall we also saw some good looking candy at Morrows, a mall candy store - we bought some of that also.
Day 33 Pictures - Baseball

When we were finished shopping we decided to drive over to Dunedin, about 5 miles away from the mall, to watch the sunset and have dinner.   We saw another beautiful Florida sunset over the gulf.  We also had a great dinner at one of our favorite Dunedin restaurants, Bon Appetit, on the waterfront by the marina.

 Day 33 Pictures - Dunedin

More baseball tomorrow.  This time against the Atlanta Braves, the only National League team the  Phillies play in Spring Training.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 32

We hung around the RV this morning.  I cooked some bacon on the grill outside, we had a leisurely breakfast and then relaxed a little before getting ready for the day.

After breakfast, we traveled over to Ybor City just north of downtown Tampa.  Ybor City is the site of the former center of the Cuban cigar industry in the US. It is now a tourist and entertainment location with a downtown state park, restored buildings from the cigar industry era and an interesting history museum.  There is also a strong Cuban-American heritage in the city that is reflected in many of the downtown restaurants and shops, including a number of cigar stores.  It is also home to our favorite Tampa area restaurant, the Columbia.  The Ybor City Columbia Restaurant  restaurant is the original one that opened in 1905. There are several others in the north Florida area.  We have eaten here and at several of their other restaurants in the past. The theme is Spanish-Cuban and the menu is extensive with a lot of interesting selections.  We had a glass of Sangria, Gazpacho soup, and shared two Tapas.  It was another great lunch.

After lunch we took the trolley downtown from Ybor City to the Florida Aquarium.  The aquarium is along the waterfront adjacent to the two Tampa ocean cruise terminals.  We had visited the aquarium on a previous visit and felt it was worth a return visit.  It was.  They have done an excellent job and it is truly a first class aquarium experience.

We then returned to Ybor City on the trolley then joined the Tampa rush hour experience on the freeways as we headed back to the RV park.  It is only about 13 miles from Ybor City to Oldsmar where we are staying, but it seemed to take forever with all the traffic.

After arriving back at the RV park it was dinner in the RV and went to bed early.  More baseball tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Florida Spring Training 2017 - Day 30

We moved from one site to another in the RV park today.  We will be in our new site for the remainder of our stay here until the end of March.  Before we moved, I washed the RV.  We looked into getting it washed but the gal in the park who does that was booked and wouldn't be able to do it until next week - maybe.

Before we moved we had lunch again at Cracker Barrel, got a few groceries and checked the mail at the post office.  We are now in the new site and getting settled in again.  We had dinner in the RV tonight - spaghetti with arabiatta sauce, Italian sausage, bread and salad.

Tomorrow is a sightseeing day.  The plan is to go to Ybor City (an historic suburb of Tampa), have lunch at the original Columbia (Spanish/Cuban) Restaurant and then take the trolley to the Tampa Aquarium.  We'll evaluate the plan in the morning and go from there.