Saturday, March 19, 2016

Florida Spring Training Trip 2016 - Day 42

 We had a line of thunderstorms come through the area this morning and it rained off-and-on into the afternoon.  It worked out pretty well however, as Judy did the laundry. I helped a little and did some things around the RV.  After lunch, we stopped by the flea market to get some local strawberries from nearby Plant City and Judy got her nails done (not at the flea market).  It was 4:30 pm by then so we decided to travel to a nearby town called Safety Harbor to check it out and maybe have dinner.

Others had told us Safety Harbor was a neat little town and we have been meaning to go there but it was never convenient to do so.  When we got there the main street was blocked off and we discovered they were having their annual Chalk Fest this weekend.  Despite the rain today artists from 17 states and one from Italy were participating in the event.  Each artist was given a section of the sidewalk to draw art using chalk and in some cases what appeared to be a paint of some sort.  Some of the pictures had been impacted by the rain, but many artists  delayed their work until the rain passed and their pictures were works in progress while we were there.  The event continues tomorrow and a big crowd is expected to attend.

After walking around Main Street and observing the artists in action, we checked out the nearby marina park on the waterfront.  After that, we had dinner at a local pizza restaurant where we had an excellent brick oven pizza.  They have an interesting way of processing orders.  You order at the counter, they write it down, attach it to a clip and send it along a zip line to the guy cooking the pizza.  He takes the order slip and sends the clip back to the counter on the zip line.  After you order, you are given a toy to put on your table (we had a Muppet doll) so they know where to bring your order.  When you are done eating, you bring your toy to the counter so they can identify your order and charge you accordingly.

The cold front that brought the rain today may result in some scattered thunderstorms tomorrow morning and the temperature is only expected to reach 74 degrees with a strong wind from the NNW.  That should result in a cool day at the game tomorrow with the Houston Astros.

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