Thursday, March 31, 2016

Florida Spring Training Trip 2016 -Day 54

We got on the road about 9:45 am after getting gas and propane.  It was a fairly easy drive, but a little breezy.  After turning west about 40 miles east of Tallahassee, we encountered a pretty good crosswind out of the south and increasing clouds.  We ran into rain about 30 miles east of the Florida Springs RV Park in Bonify, Fl where we are staying tonight. It wasn't raining when we arrived so we didn't have to set-up in the rain.  More rain is expected tonight however.

The park where we are staying is "rustic" but it has full hook-ups, Internet and cable TV. There are only two or three other short term RVs here this evening in addition to about a half dozen apparently permanent residents.  This is not a first class resort but we don't have to unhook and its quiet here. It will do for the night. They also have a hidden gem of a cafe where we are going for dinner.  We stayed here two years ago and had a  great meal.  The locals come here to eat so hopefully it is still O.K.  We also gained an hour and are now in the Central Time Zone.

The plan for tomorrow is to drive to New Orleans.  The weather enroute tomorrow doesn't look too great with lots of rain and thunderstorms in the forecast, so we will keep our eye on it and proceed with caution as appropriate.
Day 54 Pictures

Postscript:  We had dinner at the Mustang Cafe in the RV park and it was still great.

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