Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Spring Training 2019 - Day 0+2

Saturday was a busy day.  It was also raining very hard all day.

My Rotary club, Rotary Club of Grass Valley, was having our annual fundraiser, Casino Night, at the fairgrounds that evening.  I was there from 8:00 am to early afternoon helping with the set-up.  After that is was more packing/transport of things for the RV and a stop at the Friends of the Library monthly used book sale where Judy and I volunteer and where I usually work during the sale. 

Judy and I went to the Casino Night event.  After it was over we helped break down the equipment and decorations and finally got to bed after 11:00 pm.  The good news was the RV was close to the fairgrounds building where the event was held.

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