Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Spring Training 2019 - Day 23

No home game today, which was just as well since it started raining this morning and rained hard all day and into the night.  It was a typical early spring Florida deluge and there was some local flooding but nothing where we are and certainly not what everyone back home is currently experiencing as a "Pineapple Express" dumps a lot of rain on the area.

We didn't do too much other than work and relax in the RV.  Judy did get her nails done later in the afternoon and I ran a few errands.

The Phillies away game against the Yankees in Tampa was cancelled due to the weather.  They don't ordinarily make up games that are cancelled in spring training.  Ticket holders are instead given a "rain check" for another spring training game this year or the next

The rain stopped overnight and it is clear this morning.  More rain/showers are forecast for this afternoon so it could affect the game this afternoon against the Minnesota Twins.

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