Thursday, February 7, 2019

Spring Training 2019 - Day 3

It was clear and cool as we left the RV park in Bakersfield this morning around 9:00 am.

The weather forecast was for clear skies either over Tehachapi or the Grapevine although the potential for high winds and icy roads over Tehachapi was greater.  So, we decided to try the Grapevine which is also a shorter route distance wise, but with heavier traffic.

The Grapevine is a steep ascent on I-5 over the southern mountains at the end of the San Joaquin Valley.  It is about a 20 mile climb to the highest summit at 4,000 ft. then a long up-and-down descent to the LA Basin at about 500 ft. elevation.

The traffic was heavy - lots of trucks and too many cars many weaving in and out of traffic at speeds above the speed limit not using turn signals. We stayed out of everyone's way though and made it through all that and arrived in Palm Desert at the Emerald Desert RV Park around 4:00 pm. It is a nice RV park with lots of things to do.  We have stayed here several times in the past.  It is not yet Spring here however as it has been in the past around this time in February.  The skies are clear though, with a high today of 61 degrees.  There is no rain, snow or ice which is a welcome relief from our recent weather experiences.

After we got settled in we ate out at a pub down the road and went to bed early, glad to be finally heading east.

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